St Nics Durham
Found in the heart of the city of Durham, St Nics is a church for everyone. We are a community of people who together seek to love God, love one another and to love our neighbours. Whatever your background, status or identity you’ll find a warm welcome amongst our growing community of disciples of all ages, all on different parts of the same journey together as followers of Jesus Christ.
St Nics Durham
Our Commitments: Who Are We to Be?
This episode begins our new series, Our Commitments, as we look to the future of St Nics as we reflect together on what God is calling us to be as a church in the next decade and what core commitments will shape that. In this sermon Will introduces this idea by looking at answering the question of formation of the church's character.
Passage: John 20: 19-21 | Acts 11: 19-26
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